An Introduction to Zestron’s unique research capabilities to help you. At Zestron in Germany, a company well known from the past for its advanced cleaning chemistries, they very well understand the challenges to build reliable electronics that can last many years in the most hazard environments.
The growing use of high density packages, decreasing sizes of electronics devices and the need of Higher Voltages in power electronics and use of Higher Frequencies has increased the threat of failures caused by leakage current and all sorts of electrical migration. Very often such issues are related to Humidity Robustness and insufficient Cleanliness and often only appear after usage of the products in the field.
Early involvement in the development and validation of a new PCBA product can help to avoid those issues. But also strong and quick research in those
situations where products fail in testing or in the field is important to find the real root cause of a problem and propose solutions. In both scenarios
Zestron is the right partner.
Zestron runs a special ‘’Reliability & Surfaces’’ department with a strong team of PhD Scientist and other specialist which have built up expertise over many years, and that have access to a wide range of analytic tools and techniques. The goal is to quickly find the root cause of a failure and to offer a solution to make the product more robust and reliable.
Zestron not only helps in product validation and failure analysis, but also offer a special Academy to transfer knowledge about the topics Reliability, Cleanliness, Humidity Robustness and Conformal Coating. A lot of content is available Free of Charge in their online white paper section, standard seminars can be joined via their training portal, but Zestron also offers customized technology coaching and class training addressing specific reliability topics This Technology coaching was successfully deployed in the electronics industry to OEMs and Tier 1.
The combination of Zestron reliability expertise with our partners product support namely MBtech, Gen3, Asymtek and Humiseal, gives Partnertec the capability to provide you as our customers, unique support to address your challenges regarding reliability, cleanliness, cleaning and coating.
Please contact us if you are facing issues or would like to avoid them and wish to learn more about what we can offer to help you.