It's time to move

It's time to move

We herewith like to inform you that our company Partnertec B.V. will be relocating on the 25th of May 2021.
Our new office address / visiting address:

Partnertec B.V.
Esp 214
5633 AC Eindhoven
The Netherlands

TEL: +31 (0) 850 – 761 910

Our Contact details have been changed. please adjust our phone number in your administration;

tel: +31 (0) 850 – 761 910

Stencils & Screens
tel: +31 (0) 850 – 761 911

We look forward to continuing our pleasant working relationship from the new address. You are very welcome to take a look around our new premises from the 25th of May onwards.


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The number 1 in solutions for surface mount technology