Service Program

Partnertec offers a complete Maintenance  Service Program.  Our service agreement covers all required anual maintenance for the specific equipment in a frequency that fits your production volume.  Preventive maintenance can limit the amount of breakdowns and keep the machine performing within the specifications. 

Our service agreements offer the following benefits:

▪ Frequent sceduled Preventive Maintenance

▪ 25% discount on hourly labour and travel for Corrective Maintenance

▪ Free of charge access to our Help desk support (during working hours)

▪ Response guarantee, engineer onsite within 48 hrs

Common Service Activities (machine and model dependend)

 ▪ Performance checks

▪ Cleaning

▪ Filter replacement

▪ Lubrication

▪ Offset correction and calibration

▪ Software updates

▪ Preventive maintenance parts replacement

▪ Corrective Part Replacement if needed


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