Tooling: multiwave nozzle plates
Multiwave process capabilities:
- Capabilities up to 1,8 mm pitch and lower
- Fine pitch applications possible by the use of screens in combination with unique nitrocover system (Zeva V)
- Nozzles are standard treated to be compatible with lead free environments
- Life time during normal use: multiple years
- Quick disconnect system for fast exchange of tools
- Bolted nozzles offer flexibility
Vitronics Soltec Design rules
- Partnertec Tools has acquired licenses to be able to design nozzle plates for all Vitronics Soltec products like 6747, 6748 and Zeva V
- Also other systems can be supported
- The design incorporates a unique sideflow system that minimizes the free space required on the PCB while the temperature in the nozlle is continuously refreshed
- The tool is extremely durable when using an optional chrome carbide diffusion layer
- Material is none wettable and needs a low level of maintenance