Partnertec B.V. is European Dage Distributor of the year 2017!

Partnertec B.V. is European Dage Distributor of the year 2017!

Partnertec wins “the Dage Distributor of the Year Award 2017” at the Nordson Dage distributor meeting in Portugal. 

Mark Flain, Business Director X-ray Systems presented the Award to Partnertec’s Managing Director, Maurits van der Laken and commented “This Award recognizes Partnertec’s outstanding sales of our X-ray inspection systems and also the tremendous service support they provided to their customers.   He continued “Nordson DAGE sell world-class X-ray inspection equipment and together with our true distributor partnerships, Dage offer “best in class” systems, sales, service and support to our customers.”

Partnertec, your partner in all-round solutions!

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